Club participation is a great way to connect with others and make a positive impact on the college. Clubs help you meet peers with similar interests, learn to lead, raise awareness in the community and make a lasting impression on campus. There’s something for everyone so get involved & join a club!
For updated times, dates, and locations, please see the campus screens, TVs, or calendars for current information on club gatherings! Reach out to your club director to join today!
Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) International Honor Society – Beta Zeta Theta Chapter

Phi Theta Kappa is an honor society for students of associate degree-granting colleges. The mission of Phi Theta Kappa is to recognize academic achievement of college students and to provide opportunities for them to grow as scholars and leaders. The PTK Foundation awards $1.5 million in scholarships to members each year, and four-year college partners now offer $250 million in transfer scholarships exclusively for PTK members. To join, you must receive an invitation from the PTK chapter at your college via email.
General requirements are: Be enrolled in an institution that has a Phi Theta Kappa chapter, have completed at least 12 hours of coursework toward an associate degree or at least 6 hours of coursework toward a 1-year certificate, have a cumulative 3.5 grade point average.
Juntos Club

The Juntos Club at SCC is a club for Latinx and Hispanic students to support each other, their families, school, and community. The club’s name is Spanish for “Together”.
The Juntos Program was originally developed at North Carolina State University in 2007. The program’s goals are to:
- Provide students and their parents with resources, knowledge, and skills to prevent drop-out and ensure graduation
- Encourage families to work together to gain access to college
The program consists of four components: family engagement, Juntos 4-H Clubs, monthly one-on-one success coaching, and summer programing—all created to increase family engagement, sense of belonging, student success, and higher education enrollment numbers among Latino youth. The NC program is currently serving eight counties (Wake, Catawba, New Hanover, Greene, Sampson, Bladen, Orange, and Lee) and has assisted over 10,000 students and families during the past fifteen years.
The Juntos Club at SCC offers various campus activities, including Family Nights, where students share their talents and celebrate their heritage.
Psychology Club

The SCC Psychology Club’s mission is understanding who we are, where we want to go, and supporting each other along the way. We spread mental health awareness, donate time and energy to those in need, and make a difference in removing the stigma of mental illnesses. The Psychology Club offers volunteer & leadership opportunities, conference outings, and a supportive group of friends!
Gaming Club

The Gaming Club’s mission is to unite students who have a love of video games for a time of playing each week. Whether Xbox, Nintendo, Wii, PlayStation, etc., remember to bring your device for some gaming competition! The Game Club will also host a gaming tournament once a semester. Check your student email & SCC calendars, TVs, and campus screens for updates on this event.
Safe Space Club

The mission of the Safe Space Club is to provide an safe, supportive, and united environment for students who are members or supporters of the LGBTQA+ community. We spread awareness of the community and make a difference in removing the stigma surrounding those identifying as LGBTQA+. The Space Space Club offers volunteer opportunities, leadership opportunities, and a supportive group of friends!
Book Club: Vikings Read

The mission of the Vikings Read Book Club is to unite fellow book lovers in discussion over literature! Located in the Learning Resource Center, or campus library, students meet once to twice a month to select a book. They’ll be tasked with reading the text on their own until they reconvene for their next meeting, where the group will discuss what they’ve read! Each month a new book is selected. A few of the novels read so far: The Perks of Being a Wallflower, The Secret, Fairytale, No Longer Human, I’m Glad My Mom Died, Lovecraft Country, & more! Join us and suggest what our next read should be!

Student Government ASSOCIATION