Photo of several students in front of the campus entrance.

High School Students

What is CCP?

Career and College Promise (CCP) provides seamless dual enrollment educational opportunities for eligible North Carolina high school students.

CCP allows high school students to accelerate completion of college certificates, diplomas, and associate degrees that lead to college transfer or provide entry-level job skills. The program is tuition-free and is available to public, private, and homeschooled students.

Students in the CCP program are fully enrolled at their local high school, and here at Sampson Community College. Any student activities or student resources are available to them, such as use of the Learning Resource Center, Academic Success Center, and campus activities and events.

All students must have the approval of their high schools to enroll each semester.

Start Here

1. Apply to CCP

All students must complete an application complete with parent/guardian signature and the signed parent/student agreement.

Physical copies of the application packet can be retrieved from the respective Career Coach assigned to each high school, or a digital copy can be found here:

2. Course Registration

After students apply and their eligibility is verified by SCC and their local high school, students may meet with their Career Coach during the specified registration periods at each high school.

Unlike most high schools where registration occurs annually, college registration occurs on a semesterly basis: Fall, Spring, Summer.


While CCP is tuition-free, students are still responsible for paying the student fee of $47.15 each semester and are responsible for purchasing textbooks and other required course materials. The fee is a flat, semesterly rate and does not vary based on the number of courses a student takes.

Program Structure

CCP uses the concept of pathways to guide course enrollment, advising, and determining eligibility. There are three pathways in the CCP Program:

College Transfer (CTP)

College Transfer Pathways are aligned with programs that bridge students to four-year study at a college or university. Should students complete the CCP Core program of study in each pathway, they can go on to complete the degree while in high school. The pathway options include:

Career & Technical Education

Career & Technical Education pathways are aligned with applied degree programs and are designed for students to gain hands-on experiences that either lead to job and career readiness, and/or four-year transfer options. The pathways are:

Workforce Development & Continuing Education Courses

Workforce Development & Continuing Education courses are centered around state and/or federally recognized credentials and do not carry college credit. Most courses are offered as workforce demand dictates. Current Workforce Development & Continuing Education CCP Pathways include:

  • Electrocardiogram Technician (EKG) (Age 18)
  • Truck Driver Training – Class A (Age 18)
  • Transportation Basics Pathway
  • Firefighter Technology
  • Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning/Electrical Level I
  • Masonry 1 & 2 (Age 18)
  • Pharmacy Technician
  • Phlebotomy Technician

Transportation Program

Catch a ride to college credit! Available to rising juniors and seniors in Sampson County Schools, SCC offers free transportation to campus M-Th during students’ 3rd & 4th block, so they can complete in-person courses.

Earn credits in Welding, Cosmetology, Nursing, Business, Fire Academy, EMS, College Transfer, & more!

Contact Us

Director of Career & College Promise – Logan Beddingfield

(910) 900-4102

Clinton High School – Brittiney Jefferson

Lakewood High School – Willa Roseboro

Hobbton High School – Ginger Stone

Union High School- Tim Pope

Midway High School – Abbie Matthews

Private & Home Schools – Logan Beddingfield

General Inquiries