The Associate in Science (AS) degree program is designed for students who plan to transfer to 4-year colleges or universities. Courses in the program parallel those required during the freshman and sophomore years of certain Bachelor of Science programs.
The AS curriculum includes 60-61 semester credit hours of general education and pre-major elective courses. Students should choose pre-major courses that are specific to their intended major and transfer college or university. Graduates of the AS program who earn at least a “C” in all courses and have an overall GPA of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale have the opportunity to enter 4-year UNC System universities and many private institutions in NC with junior status.
Fall Semester I
Course | Course Title |
ACA-122 | College Transfer Success |
ENG-111 | Writing and Inquiry |
Humanities/Fine Arts UGETC Elective Course | Choose One: ART-111, ART-114, ART-115, COM-120, COM-231, DRA-111, ENG-231, ENG-232, ENG-241, ENG-242, MUS-110, MUS-112, PHI-240 |
MAT-171 OR MAT-271 | Pre-Calculus Algebra OR Calculus I |
BIO-111 OR CHM-151 | General Biology I OR General Chemistry I |
Spring Semester I
Course | Course Title |
ENG-112 | Writing/Research in the Disciplines |
BIO-112 OR CHM-152 | General Biology II OR General Chemistry II |
MAT-172 OR MAT-263 OR MAT-272 | Precalculus Trigonometry OR Brief Calculus OR Calculus II |
Humanities/Fine Arts UGETC Elective Course | Choose One: ART-111, ART-114, ART-115, COM-120, COM-231, DRA-111, ENG-231, ENG-232, ENG-241, ENG-242, MUS-110, MUS-112, PHI-240 |
Social/Behavioral Science UGETC Elective Course | Choose One: ECO-251, ECO-252, HIS-111, HIS-112, HIS-131, HIS-132, POL-120, PSY-150, SOC-210 |
Fall Semester II
Course | Course Title |
Social/Behavioral Science UGETC Elective Course | Choose One: ECO-251, ECO-252, HIS-111, HIS-112, HIS-131, HIS-132, POL-120, PSY-150, SOC-210 |
UGETC or General Education Course | |
UGETC or General Education Course | |
UGETC or General Education Course | |
UGETC or General Education Course |
Spring Semester II
Course | Course Title |
UGETC or General Education Course | |
UGETC or General Education Course | |
UGETC or General Education Course | |
UGETC or General Education Course | |
(Suggested) PED-110 OR PED-111 | PED Course(s) are suggested but not required for AS degree Fit and Well for Life OR Physical Fitness I |
UGETC elective courses: ART-111, ART-114, ART-115, BIO-111, BIO-112, CHM-151, CHM-152, COM-120, COM-231, DRA-111, ECO-251, ECO-252, ENG-231, ENG-232, ENG-241, ENG-242, HIS 111, HIS-112, HIS-131, HIS-132, MAT-171, MAT-172, MAT-263, MAT-271, MAT-272, MUS-110, MUS-112, PHI-240, POL-120, PSY-150, SOC-210
General Education elective courses: BIO-140, BIO-140A, CIS-110, CIS- 115, COM-110, DRA-115, ENG-114, HIS-121, HUM-115, MAT-143, MAT-152, PSY-237, PSY-239, PSY-241, PSY-281, REL-110, REL-211, REL-212, REL-221, SOC-220, SOC-225, SPA-111, SPA-112, SPA-211, SPA-212
Pre-Major elective courses: ACC-120, ACC-121, ART-121, ART-122, ART-131, ART-132, ART-240, BI0-150, BIO-168, BIO-169, BIO-275, BUS-110, BUS-115, BUS-137, CJC-111, CJC-113, CJC-121, CJC-141, CJC-212, CSC-120, CSC-130, CSC-134, CSC-139, CSC-151, CSC-239, CSC-249, CSC-251, CTS-115, DRA-130, DRA-140, EDU-131, EDU-144, EDU-45, EDU-216, EDU-221, HEA-110, HEA-112, PED-110, PED-111, PED-122, PED-123, PED-128, PSY-263, SPA-181 SPA-182, SPA-281
Help Paying for School
Students enrolling in for-credit curriculum courses can apply for multiple forms of financial assistance to help pay for school including Federal Student Aid and SCC Foundation Scholarships.