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Workforce Development & Continuing Education

Sampson Community College provides a diversity of training and personal enrichment opportunities through its division of Workforce Development & Continuing Education (WD&CE).


Courses offered through WD&CE open the door to education, training, and retraining for employment opportunities in Sampson County and beyond and include basic skills and literacy education, occupational and customized industry training, and lifelong learning programs which can improve your quality of life. Whether you are looking for a new career, refreshing your current job skills, or looking for a new hobby to enjoy, the sky’s the limit as to what we can offer you!

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Explore Programs

Academy of Continuing Excellence (ACE)

Assisting students with learning or intellectual disabilities in the areas of reading, writing, math, and vocational skills.

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Allied Health

Allied Health programs help educate and train professionals to serve in multiple health care settings.

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Business & Industry

Courses ideal for adults looking to add certifications to their resume and increase their on-the-job skills.

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College & Career Readiness

Opportunities for qualifying minors and adults whose desire is to complete a high school equivalency diploma (HSE) or learn english as a second language (ESL).

Defensive Driving

If you have been ticketed with a minor traffic violation you may elect to have your citation reduced by completing a Defensive Driving Course.


We offer a wide range of over 300 highly interactive courses that can be taken entirely online via our Ed2Go Online Instruction Center.

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Heavy Equipment Operator

The Heavy Equipment Operator Program is a one semester training program that prepares students with basic knowledge on heavy equipment identification, safety, basic field surveying and a variety of other topics needed in the construction field.

Human Resources Development (HRD)

An energetic and invigorating workforce development program that serves as a gateway for economic, social, and educational success.

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Occupational Extension

Discover our Occupational Extension Courses for career advancement. Learn from experts, gain practical skills, and connect with a supportive community. Explore diverse courses tailored to your schedule and industry. Start your journey to success today!

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Public Safety

Sampson Community College offers a variety of public safety training programs for students and professionals.

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Small Business Center

Free seminars and 1-on-1 counseling offering high-quality, readily-accessible assistance, to prospective and existing small business owners.


Truck Driver Training

SCC offers an excellent Truck Driver Training Program that will afford students the opportunity to earn their Class A CDL.

Contact Us

Additional Information

To request additional information on registering for any WD&CE courses, please complete our contact form.

Workforce Development & Continuing Education

(910) 592-7176