Kristina Parker Earns Royal Heritage Scholarship

Viking Spotlight


[Clinton, N.C.] – In the wake of Sampson Community College’s (SCC) Spring 2024 commencement, the College looks to continue highlighting graduating Foundation scholars— students who have received one or more scholarships from the SCC Foundation. One of those individuals is Kristina Parker, an Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) graduate who recently received the Royal Heritage Nursing Scholarship for 2023-2024.

In 2022, Parker graduated from Sampson Early College High School (SECHS) and enrolled in the ADN program shortly afterwards. Though timid initially to embark as a full-time college student, Parker recalled that her first day in the nursing program went very well, since she was familiar with the campus from high school.

She explained, “I was nervous at first, since it was my first time being an official college student without being in high school. But the instructors provided a welcoming environment, and I already knew the campus. I developed a sense of independence which was strong, and I knew I still had support if needed.”

Parker currently serves as a CNA at Betsy Johnson Hospital in Pediatrics, having previously worked in Labor & Delivery. Through her experience in the ADN program, Parker remarked that she developed a passion for holistic care, striving to also become an advocate for each of her patients.

“My focus with healthcare is being the voice and support that most people do not feel that they have receive while they are in the hospital. Diversity is a big aspect of healthcare that a lot of the times is in incorporated when individualizing care. SCC taught me the important of holistically caring for clients and I found a passion with it. In the future I hope to return as a physician to serve my community as it has greatly served me!”

During the 2023-2024 academic year, Parker was awarded The Dr. Donnie Martin Royal and Mrs. Dorothy Turlington Royal Heritage Nursing Scholarship from the SCC Foundation. Established in 2003 by the Royal Family, its purpose is to assist deserving nursing students in their educational pursuits at SCC. Dr. and Mrs. Royal were life-long residents of Sampson County, where Dr. Royal served as a physician of general medicine for more than sixty years.

Parker thanked, “I felt honored and eternally grateful that they were able to assist me in my career. I hope to be able to return one day and have scholarship for nursing students to assist others as this helped me out tremendously. Because of this award, I was able to afford tuition, books, uniforms, and other expenses while working PRN.”

Parker is a recent graduate of SCC’s ADN program who received the Royal Heritage Nursing scholarship for 23-24.

In addition to her donors, Parker also expressed her appreciation to Dr. Marvin Rondon, Dean of Student Services at SCC. Serving as an advisor and mentor to her since SECHS, Rondon has assisted Parker in numerous aspects such as: planning course schedules, answering questions, and providing information about the nursing program.

She elaborated, “Dr. Rondon was always very welcoming and personable and never made me feel like I was too much with all of my questions and concerns. Hands down he is best advisor and mentor I’ve ever had. He deserves all the recognition in the world!”

However, Parker also wished to thank her loved ones as well for their continuous support shown during her educational journey at SCC— specifically her parents and grandmother. A second-generation nursing student, Parker’s mother also graduated from the ADN program back in 2008, now working as a RN and licensed nursing home administrator.

“My mother, Semica Parker, my father James, and my grandmother, Ann, all have assisted me and motivated me throughout my time in this program. I am very grateful they put up with all my shenanigans and being my patients when I needed to practice assessments and therapeutic communication.”

During the Spring 2024 commencement, Parker was recognized as the Outstanding Student for the ADN program and member of the Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Honors Society as well. Now, she plans to obtain her BSN from Fayetteville State University with hopes of eventually earning her DNP or enrolling in medical school.

Looking back, she voiced that she would wholeheartedly recommend the ADN program to other students looking to pursue nursing. In Parker’s eyes, the dedication of the faculty and staff to ensuring student success is what makes SCC so special, allowing students to truly: ‘Begin Here, Go Anywhere.’

“I have learned so much from being at SCC the last six years,” she closed. “I have had many invaluable experiences that I am very thankful for! Although we have had a lot of changes in the nursing program, I have enjoyed this experience. Going through it with my cohort has made this time really special. SCC and this program have truly equipped me to be able to go anywhere.”

Sampson CC very proud of Kristina for her accomplishments at the College. The Foundation loves seeing the impact scholarships have on students and looks forward to seeing all she will continue to do throughout her education and healthcare career.

The deadline to apply for scholarships each year is April 15. Over 100 opportunities are available with just one application. Apply today at

For more information about the SCC Foundation, visit

About Sampson Community College:  Sampson Community College is a member of the North Carolina Community College System, located in Clinton, NC in Sampson County. The college offers many programs to include two-year degrees, college transfer, continuing education and workforce development options and early college education. SCC is committed to the principles of equal educational and employment opportunities for all.