Former Graduate Reflects on SCC’s Impact 30 Years Later

Viking Spotlight 2020 02 14 former graduate reflects on sccs impact 30 years later

Over 30 years ago, Terrie Anders graduated from Sampson Community College and began a career as an accountant at Prestage Farms. She hasn’t looked back since. However, it wasn’t always an easy road. She says her story of success begins with hard work in her youth, and an education at SCC.

Anders has worked for as long as she can remember. She began by working in the fields, babysitting, and cleaning neighbors’ houses and yards. She did anything to help her single mother, which is who she credits for her worth ethic. Her hard work led to an office job at a Food Lion, where she discovered her love for crunching numbers.

Anders says she never knew that college was an option for her, but the proximity and affordability of SCC (and the nudge of a good friend) made it one. It seemed like an obvious choice. She could continue working full-time and live at home, all while attending college. But what made her stay? Plainly put, Anders says the community and the people at SCC gave her a sense of belonging.

She went on to say, “The instructors and administrators were invaluable…they were my cheerleaders. They pushed me, encouraged me, and guided me. They believed in me and that was an amazing feeling.”

These same “cheerleaders” pushed her to apply for a job at Prestage Farms, where she works even today.

A person sitting at a desk

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PHOTO/CREDIT: Terrie Anders (right) works alongside a coworker (left).

“SCC allowed me to get a full-time job upon my graduation. A good job! A real job! A job with benefits!” Anders also went on to receive her Bachelor’s in Accounting and pass the CPA exam, all while raising a family. She credits her success to her starting point—Sampson Community College. Her story is an inspiration to others.

“Don’t put off pursuing your dreams another minute! It feels so wonderful to work toward a goal and realize you are capable of being successful and making your dreams come true. If you want it badly enough, you can make it happen – and it can all start with an application to SCC.”

Since SCC graduation, Anders has worked her way up from Accounting Manager all the way to Chief Financial Officer at Prestage Farms. She’s moved from part-time to full-time. And she even says she keeps her SCC accounting textbooks in her office and references them from time to time.

About Sampson Community College: Sampson Community College is a member of the North Carolina Community College System, located in Clinton, NC in Sampson County. The college offers many programs to include two-year degrees, college transfer, continuing education and workforce development options and early college education.