Sabrina Newkirk Plans to Graduate in Fall

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When she graduated from Union High School in 2019, Sabrina Newkirk was not quite sure about her next steps. She had not committed to a nearby college or university and no decisions were made about her future career plans. However, she had success with Sampson Community College courses during high school, so she enrolled at SCC for that fall. Now, she graduates this fall with her Associate in Science, and is currently making plans for next fall.

A resident of Garland, Newkirk loves the proximity of Sampson Community College and attending courses right at home. After class, she can return home and go trail riding on one of her horses, command her family kitchen and cook one of her grandmother’s recipes, or go fishing with her father.

Newkirk says that her time at SCC gave her the freedom to explore her options and figure out her next steps. (Courtesy Photo)

During her time at SCC, Newkirk says her instructors encouraged and challenged her. She shared the story of one of her first face-to-face courses at the college, Public Speaking. Always a bit shy, Newkirk says the course and instructor, Joy Rogers, were both fun and engaging. Rogers’ course gave Newkirk the confidence to come out of her shell. In return, Rogers said Newkirk reminded her of the joy of teaching.

“Sabrina is an outstanding student who stands out to me because she was so enthusiastic and gave 110% to everything she did in my course. I can remember her smiling every day when I walked into the classroom.  She was always ready to learn and was a fantastic speaker.  Seeing that smile and her willingness to learn—that really makes my job so rewarding. She is a fantastic listener, has a great personality, and has a wonderful ability to laugh,” Rogers shared.

This passion and excitement for teaching was evident from several instructors throughout her time at SCC. Newkirk praised her instructors, including Susan Jernigan and Jen Eavenson, for their willingness to help, but also for their challenging courses that drove her to learn more.  

“They are there to help you. Any time you have questions they’re going to do their best to help you understand and give you all the resources they can to make sure you do your best and understand,” Newkirk remarked.

Most importantly, Newkirk says Sampson Community College helped her transition as she determined her next steps. She feels positive it can do the same for others.

“Sampson is a great option if you’re not sure about what you want to do and where you want go. It’s a good transition into college and it’s a good place to prepare you for wherever you go,” Newkirk stated.

In her time at Sampson Community College, Newkirk has decided to apply for entrance into Dental Hygiene programs at nearby community colleges. She says she is excited to apply and submit her applications to these programs. Sampson Community College congratulates Newkirk and all Fall 2020 graduates!

About Sampson Community College: Sampson Community College is a member of the North Carolina Community College System, located in Clinton, NC in Sampson County. The college offers many programs to include two-year degrees, college transfer, continuing education and workforce development options, and early college education.