Breanna White Puts Her Best Foot Forward in Early Childhood Program

Viking Spotlight

2022 01 31 Breanna White

Breanna White, an Early Childhood Education program student at Sampson Community College (SCC), is a perfect example of how hard work and dedication can pay off when it comes to education.

White, who’s originally from Charlotte, NC, obtained her GED in 2009 with hopes of eventually working in childcare. In Fall 2020, after moving to Clinton, she decided to enroll in the Early Childhood Education program at SCC in order to acquire her Associates in Early Childhood Education.

At first, she was slightly nervous to start SCC, because she hadn’t been in school in a very long time. She also wasn’t sure if she could dedicate enough time and energy to her schooling because of her work situation. But she decided to put her best foot forward, and now, White is greatly succeeding within the early childhood program. She was recently awarded a spot on the President’s List for the Fall 2021 semester and currently plans to graduate with her degree in late 2022 or early 2023.

White said of the matter, “My mom has always told me that I can do anything I put my mind to. When I began, I did not think I had the time to be able to put my best foot forward and dedicate myself fully to school. Now, I am maintaining good grades and great attendance at school as well as with work. I am very thankful for where I am in my life right now, and I’m constantly working to become the best lead teacher I can be.”

On top of her schooling, White currently works two jobs, one at a local childcare center and one at KFC. She has held both positions for three years, all while studying for her degree. And while her educational road hasn’t always been easy, White says she is still immensely grateful for the opportunity and wouldn’t change a thing.

She voiced, “Even though this has been an interesting journey, I would not change a thing. I have been on this wonderful journey to get my degree in Early Childhood Education, and I’ve enjoyed the road I’m on. I feel that I am bettering myself through this experience and SCC will help me accomplish my goals. I am very thankful for this opportunity.”

Breanna White puts in hard work on and off the job, working towards her early childhood degree on the side.
Breanna White puts in hard work on and off the job, working towards her early childhood degree on the side.

Dr. Susan Baxter, Division Chair of Education, Business, and Human Services Technologies at SCC, spoke highly of White’s performance within her classes and her prospective career in childcare.

She announced, “I have had the pleasure of learning with Ms. White in several classes. She is a great student with a strong grasp of child development, both typical and atypical. She will be a great addition to the field of education as a teacher and child advocate.”

In the future, White plans to continue working in childcare and hopes to even open and direct her own center one day. She loves the career she’s chosen, and because of her schooling, White stated that numerous opportunities now await her. To her, the future road is endless and blooming with possibility.

“It’s wonderful making a difference in all the children’s lives that I work with,” she reflected. “I enjoy creating curriculum for my students every week and helping them learn through play. I also get to learn new and exciting things every day. I’ve had an opportunity to go to college and better myself. Because of that, I’m able to start a new chapter in my life with a great career that I love and enjoy.”

I’ve had an opportunity to go to college and better myself. Because of that, I’m able to start a new chapter in my life with a great career that I love and enjoy.

Breanna White

White gratefully voiced that she would like to thank her mother, co-workers, fellow classmates, and her employer, Alice Newkirk for all the help and support they have given her throughout her journey. She’d also like to thank Marion Pope, Director of Distance Learning; Sharon West, Division Secretary of Education, Business, and Human Services Technology; and Dr. Baxter for their assistance and guidance during her time at SCC. White remarked that each one of them inspires her to do and be her best, and she is immensely thankful for them.

Altogether, White expressed that she wholeheartedly recommends SCC’s early childhood program to other prospective students. SCC has not only taught her time management and the importance of pacing herself but has also gifted her with a vast amount of opportunities, instructors, and knowledge that she can use within her workplace.

She concluded, “My experience here at SCC had taught me that if I put my best foot forward and try my best, I can do anything that I put my mind to. I truly feel that SCC is there to help you succeed and accomplish your goals.”

With White’s continuous dedication to education and hard work in all she does, she is sure to do great things. SCC is proud to be a stepping stone in her journey to excellence.

For more information about the Early Childhood Education program visit

About Sampson Community College

Sampson Community College is a member of the North Carolina Community College System, located in Clinton, NC in Sampson County. The college offers many programs to include two-year degrees, college transfer, continuing education and workforce development options and early college education.