Aaron Lewis Excels Inside and Outside of SCC’s IT Program

Viking Spotlight

2022 03 14 Aaron Lewis

Aaron Lewis is a student in the Information Technology (IT) program at Sampson Community College (SCC) who continues to showcase his ability to excel inside and outside of his academic program.

After graduating from Clinton High School in 2020, Lewis decided to enroll in SCC’s IT program in the Fall of that same year to obtain his Associate’s in Information Systems. He’s on track to graduate in Spring 2022 with his degree and plans to enter the workforce full-time afterwards. While finding work after college can be a challenge to some students, that is not the case for Lewis. He’s already employed in local industry at DuBose National Energy–right here in Clinton, NC.

Growing up, Lewis always had an interest in computers and technology. This passion not only fueled him to apply to SCC but drove him to apply for a part-time position at DuBose National Energy as an IT assistant. Lewis currently works 20-hours per week in addition to his coursework, and he enjoys every minute of it.

He said of his position, “Working at DuBose was an opportunity I thought I should pursue to get my foot in the door of IT. I really enjoy tinkering with computers and my job involves much of that. I have learned a lot of things from this job that help me with my coursework and vice versa. Whenever I’m done with school, I definitely plan on moving to full-time.”

Joseph McClanahan, System Administrator at DuBose National Energy, spoke very highly of Lewis’ performance within his position and credited SCC with successfully preparing Lewis, and other local students, for the workforce.

McClanahan voiced, “Aaron has been a pleasure to work with and clearly has a good educational foundation which is helping him to excel at his duties. His experience at Sampson Community College has no doubt contributed to his good work ethic and knowledge base. We would like to thank Aaron and Sampson Community College for helping our company facilitate local talent.”

2022 03 14 Aaron Lewis
Aaron Lewis works part-time for DuBose National Energy in IT while completing his Associate’s in Information Systems at SCC. (Photo credit/ Krista Lewis)

While Lewis continues to excel outside of the IT program within his job, he also manages to thrive inside of the IT program as well. He was recently awarded the Sampson County Farm Bureau scholarship for academic year 21-22 at SCC and made the Dean’s List for Fall 2021 as well. To him, balancing his coursework with a job has been relatively simple, and it shows in his accomplishments.

Nathan McKee, Department Chair of Computer Information Technology and Security at SCC, spoke favorably of Lewis’ achievements and performance within the IT program. McKee applauded Lewis’ work ethic and commented on his ability to prosper academically amidst a busy schedule.

McKee praised, “Aaron is truly a great IT student. He is both tech savvy and a very hard worker. Aaron takes more courses per semester than most other students in the program but still has one of the highest GPAs. He’s scheduled to graduate in May 2022 and will undoubtedly go on to do great things!”

In five years, Lewis sees himself still working at DuBose National Energy, while also taking up other studies such as Cybersecurity. He has immensely enjoyed the IT program at SCC, and credits it with giving him the knowledge to excel in his work.

Lewis voiced about the IT program, “I found the classes very informative and helpful in understanding certain concepts I was previously unaware of. Most of what I am learning about interests me greatly. IT was easy in the beginning, as I had already known some of the things introduced in the classes. I have gained a lot of knowledge that is helpful in my job, and I am always happy to learn more.”

When asked who motivated him to pursue his degree and maintain a job, Lewis stated that his family has been his greatest supporter since day one. They’ve always encouraged him to do well in school, but especially his sister- Krista Lewis, Advancement Specialist at SCC. Lewis remarked that she was the one who introduced the IT program to him, and without her, he might have never applied.

He explained, “My sister, Krista, who works at the college, has always been there when I needed her. I can ask her any question and she advises me. I wouldn’t be anywhere without her, and I am thankful for her.”

Altogether, Lewis voiced that he would definitely recommend SCC’s IT program to other prospective students. In his eyes, SCC has taught him valuable lessons such as self-discipline and the importance of prioritizing education, while also teaching him the essential skills needed to succeed in his position at DuBose.

Lewis concluded, “Any opportunity to learn more is worth it, and I have learned a lot here at SCC. I am very thankful.”

SCC is proud to be a part of Aaron’s excellence academically and occupationally. He will most definitely go on to do great things.

For more information about the Information Technology program or how to apply, visit www.sampsoncc.edu/computer-information-technology.

About Sampson Community College

Sampson Community College is a member of the North Carolina Community College System, located in Clinton, NC in Sampson County. The college offers many programs to include two-year degrees, college transfer, continuing education and workforce development options and early college education.