On Monday, February 20, 2023, Sampson Community College (SCC) welcomed over 15 Clinton City Schools (CCS) middle and high school Career & Technical Education (CTE) educators on campus for the CCS Learning Summit. The goal of the day was for the CTE teachers to tour campus— learning about and witnessing firsthand what SCC has to offer, so they can communicate those opportunities to their students.

An afternoon of professional development, the guests stopped by each of the College’s occupational facilities during their grand tour, beginning with the Education, Business, and Human Services Technology programs in the North Building and concluding with SCC’s Truck Driver Training program in Clinton’s Industrial Park.

Lead SCC faculty, staff, and instructors from each division of the College were able to introduce their programs to the CTE teachers, with some even providing instructor and student demonstrations. The presenters were able to explain the requirements for their programs, what credentials they offer, and what jobs or four-year institutions students will be able to apply for after graduation— opening discussion towards future student enrollment.

Emily Brown, Director of Institutional and Student Success at SCC, was influential in organizing the CCS Learning Summit on campus. She explained how Kim Fann and Natasha Faircloth had reached out to her prior with the idea of the CCS CTE educators visiting SCC for the Learning Summit, so each could personally see the opportunities the College offers. With the help of SCC’s faculty, staff, and instructors, that idea was able to come to fruition for the first time.

Brown elaborated, “Sampson Community College is fortunate to have strong partnerships with our local school districts. The CCS Learning Summit tour is a fine example of ongoing collaboration and genuine desire to see students succeed. This initiative was born out of Sampson Connect, a local education collaborative through MyFutureNC, whose mission is to increase the number of credentials earned in Sampson County by 1,500 by the year 2030.”
“Having CTE educators meet with our faculty and see our campus allows them to communicate to students about opportunities at SCC earlier and more often,” she concluded. “We are thankful to our faculty for always being willing and eager to facilitate these tours, and to Kim Fann and Natasha Faircloth for their willingness to bring forward new ideas and have their teams engage with our campus.”
For more information about Sampson CC or how to enroll, visit www.sampsoncc.edu.
About Sampson Community College
Sampson Community College is a member of the North Carolina Community College System, located in Clinton, NC in Sampson County. The college offers many programs to include two-year degrees, college transfer, continuing education and workforce development options and early college education.