On April 12, 2022, Sampson Community College’s (SCC) Board of Trustees (BOT) welcomed SCC’s Division and Department Chairs for an informal time of fellowship prior to their monthly board meeting.
The Board of Trustees wants to personally know SCC’s academic leaders and learn more about their experiences in the classroom, so they can better understand how the college serves students. By gathering the Division and Department Chairs together, Sampson CC’s Board of Trustees hopes to greater advocate for their employees and programs– and in turn, stronger assist its student body.

The event began with a friendly meet-and-greet between SCC’s BOT and Division and Department Chairs over a light supper. BOT members were encouraged to join the Division and Department Chairs at each table, to help facilitate conversation and allow both parties to become acquainted with one another. Afterwards, the Division Chairs were invited to introduce themselves, their Department Chairs, and state a few things about their program as a whole. Questions, comments, and concerns were welcome during this time before the traditional board meeting began at 6pm.

Dr. Ted Thomas, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, was one of the speakers for the night– welcoming the newcomers into the BOT meeting. In a quote, he thanked the Division and Department Chairs for their time and voiced that through getting to know SCC’s faculty and staff, the college can make advancements that aid its employees, students, and community as a whole.
He explained at the meeting, “Today was an opportunity for the Board of Trustees to meet with Division and Department Chairs and get the opportunity to see how we can work together and continue to move Sampson Community College forward. We thank them for coming out and we continue to look for ways to make the college a better place for the students that we serve.”

Dr. Bill Starling, President of SCC, was also in attendance that night. He believes the informal time of visitation was an excellent opportunity for both the BOT and the Division and Department Chairs to become familiar with each other and the work they do. Starling hopes this will be the first of many opportunities in the future for the BOT to meet, support, and advocate for SCC’s faculty and staff.
He expressed, “Our April Board of Trustees meeting began with a light meal and opportunities for our trustees to informally meet our curriculum faculty leaders. This is the first of what we hope will be ongoing opportunities for our staff and faculty to better know the trustees of the college and opportunities for the trustees to meet the talented faculty who make our programs successful. Dr. Thomas, our board chair, used the opportunity to offer the trustees’ support and thanks for the faculty’s creative work over the last few years during COVID and outlined both the trustee’s efforts at the state level to address concerns with community college funding and the need for increases in faculty salaries.”

Altogether, the night was termed a success and believed to be a significant step towards greater understanding and cooperation between SCC’s BOT and the college’s Division and Department Chairs. The Board appreciates the Division and Department Chairs’ attendance at the gathering and hopes to work more closely with them in the future to facilitate not just student, but employee success at SCC.
About Sampson Community College
Sampson Community College is a member of the North Carolina Community College System, located in Clinton, NC in Sampson County. The college offers many programs to include two-year degrees, college transfer, continuing education and workforce development options and early college education.