RALEIGH – A statewide awareness campaign, called “Time for a New YOU,” launched last week for the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Fund that is available for eligible North Carolina community college students. GEER provides $15 million in tuition assistance to students enrolled in short-term workforce training programs in one of North Carolina’s “Great 58” community colleges. Sampson Community College’s GEER program is called Viking Works.

The short-term programs supported by the scholarship are in high-demand fields that will lead to a state or industry-recognized credential. Ten high-demand areas have been identified and are automotive, construction, emergency medical services, healthcare, information technology, aircraft maintenance, criminal justice, fire and rescue services, industrial / manufacturing, and transportation.
“Our community colleges are strengthening North Carolina’s position in the global marketplace, and we will lead the state’s economic recovery,” said Thomas A. Stith III, president of the N.C. Community College System. “Our community colleges provide affordable and accessible education opportunities and produce graduates who are highly competitive candidates for hire.”
The scholarship awards up to $750, or the cost of the program – whichever is more – and can be used to help cover the cost of tuition, fees, books and supplies, credentialing tests, transportation, childcare, and other costs of attendance.
Eligible students must be a N.C. resident and currently enrolled in an eligible continuing education program or course for a minimum of 96 hours.
“We are all aware of the local demand for qualified workers here in Sampson County, which is increasingly unmet. Sampson Community College is pleased to be a part of the Governor’s emphasis on providing financial support for short-term training programs that can lead to employment in one of North Carolina’s high demand field,” Sampson Community College President, Dr. William Starling. “It is encouraging to see scholarship funds now available for adults who want to gain immediate job skills.
Anyone interested enrolling in an occupational extension program can call the Workforce Development & Continuing Education office at Sampson Community College at 910.592.7176 or email wdce@sampsoncc.edu. Meet with staff and discuss training and career paths for one of our short-term programs.
Visit www.sampsoncc.edu/vikingworks for more information about Sampson Community College’s GEER funded scholarship. Check out TimeForANewYou.org for statewide opportunities!
About Sampson Community College: Sampson Community College is a member of the North Carolina Community College System, located in Clinton, NC in Sampson County. The college offers many programs to include two-year degrees, college transfer, continuing education and workforce development options, and early college education.