
Tuition is charged by credit hour and rates vary for in-state and out-of-state tuition. Tuition rates are set by state policy and are subject to change without notice. For information on current tuition rates, please contact the Student Services Division. Fees are due and payable prior to the students entering the first scheduled class. The Registration Receipt Form that is validated by the Finance Office upon collection of tuition and fees at registration will be required to enter any class.

Tuition & Fees Chart

Credit HoursTuition Out‑of‑StateTuition In‑StateSpecial FeeTech FeeActivity FeeAccident InsuranceTotal Out‑of‑StateTotal In‑State75% Refund
Amounts are in US dollars


Students are required to provide or purchase their own textbooks. The College operates a bookstore located on the first floor of the Warren Student Center (near the Student Lounge), which stocks necessary books and materials for the courses currently offered by the College. The cost of books and other items varies with the program of instruction.

Special Supplies & Uniform Costs

Students in some curricula are required to purchase special supplies or clothing. Students should consult with their department chair for special supplies required in their curriculum. Example of charges:

  • Cosmetology Kits/Smocks – $750 (estimated)
  • Nursing Uniforms/Nursing Kit (supplies required for lab) – $200 (estimated)

Activities Fee

Each student enrolled will pay $20 per semester for a student activities fee. This fee is for the cost of student publications, social events, and other activities. This fee is refundable if the conditions for tuition refund apply.

Technology Fee

Each student enrolled will pay $16 per semester for a technology fee. Fees may be changed by the action of the Board of Trustees. The maximum technology fee is set by state policy and is subject to change without notice.

Insurance Fee

A student accident insurance policy designed for the students of the North Carolina Community College System is required for all curriculum students at a nominal cost per semester. For information concerning coverage and benefits, contact the Business Office. A copy of the insurance plan is distributed to each student at registration. Nursing students are required to purchase professional liability insurance at an approximate cost of $20 per year

Access & Security Fee

A $10 Access & Security fee is charged each semester to curriculum students. This fee is used to help maintain a safe and secure campus for students. Fees may be changed by action of the Board of Trustees.

Parking fines will be assessed at $10 for a first offense parking ticket and $25 for each subsequent offense.

Breakage Fee

Breakage, damage, or loss due to negligence, carelessness, or other mishandling of school supplies, materials, or equipment by a student is the responsibility of the student. The student will be required to pay for such items.